Be who you needed when you were a kid.
What we need is a foundation. All good things are built with solid foundations! We need a place to call home. The old turnkey boys and girls club will serve as just that, our foundation. This will be our fundamental plant towards our strive to arm our future leaders with the knowledge, skills and resources they will need to be successful!
For the first time, we are in control of our future and the future leaders, our children! We gain this foundation by getting back to the fundamentals, group economics and power in unity! A lot of my peers, including myself have turned away from the church, not God, For our own individual reasons. However one commonality is consistent.... what happens to the churches money? Some of our parents have been going to the church and tithing for 20 plus years and the children still go to the bank for home loans, car loans and business loans etc!
It is our goal through the leveraging of group economics to take back the power of choice that we unknowingly gave away. It’s time to increase black wealth, black businesses and black prosperity.
With a one for all mindset we have the power to self fund our future and the future of our children. Knowledge is wealth and The Black Community Church Fund has an abundance!
Quintell Solomon